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Philippines, Russia, China, South Korea

Oil and Gas

YAMAL LNG is an integrated project for the production, liquefaction and supply of natural gas.

About the project

The project envisages the construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant with a capacity of about 16.5 million tons per year based on the resource base of the South Tambeyskoye field. The proven and probable gas reserves of the field according to PRMS standards are 926 billion cubic meters. The design production level is about 27 billion cubic meters of gas per year for at least 20 years.

As part of the Project, a transport infrastructure has been created, including a seaport and the Sabetta airport.

The Yamal LNG operator is a joint venture of NOVATEK with a 50.1% stake, Total - 20%, CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation) -20% and the Silk Road Fund (9.9%).

The final investment decision (FID) was made in December 2013.

The construction of the natural gas liquefaction plant was carried out in three stages with launches in 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively. The project provides for the annual production of about 16.5 million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and up to 1.2 million tons of gas condensate with delivery to the markets of the Asia-Pacific region and Europe.

Yamal LNG OJSC is the operator of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant on the resource base of the South Tambeyskoye field with a capacity of 17.4 million tons per year, including three trains with a capacity of 5.5 million tons per year each and one line with a capacity of 900 thousand tons per year.

The hydrocarbon mixture from the wells is fed to a single integrated complex for the preparation and liquefaction of natural gas.

At the inlet facilities of the complex, separation occurs, i.e. separation of mechanical impurities, water, methanol and gas condensate from the gas.

The inlet facilities include methanol regeneration and gas condensate stabilization units.

The purified gas then goes to pre-cooling and liquefaction.

A propane refrigeration circuit is used for pre-cooling the gas, and a circuit with a mixed refrigerant is used for liquefaction.

The finished LNG is supplied for storage in cryogenic tanks.

Transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) within the framework of the Yamal LNG project is carried out using special ice-class ARC7 tankers. They allow year-round navigation without icebreaker assistance in the westerly direction through the Kara Sea and during summer navigation - in the eastern direction along the Northern Sea Route.

The ARC7 class of vessels assumes their independent navigation in compact first-year Arctic ice up to 1.4 m thick in the winter-spring and up to 1.7 m thick in the summer-autumn navigation periods, as well as following an icebreaker in first-year Arctic ice up to 2.0 m thick in the winter-spring and up to 3.2 m thick in the summer-autumn navigation periods.

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Yamal LNG is satisfied with the services provided by MPH and fully recommend MPH as a Service Provider.

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Stephane Le Galles
Stephane Le Galles

Project Director