Amur Gas Processing Plant
The investor and customer of the Amur GPP construction project is Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk LLC (part of the Gazprom Group).
About the project
Construction work on the Amur GPP began in October 2015.
The plant was launched on June 9, 2021.
Full capacity is scheduled to be reached by January 1, 2025.
The plant specializes in extracting methane-related gases from natural gas: ethane, propane, butane and other heavier hydrocarbon fractions, as well as helium, which is supplied to the helium hub in Vladivostok. It is expected that after reaching full capacity, the Amur GPP will become the second largest in terms of natural gas processing volume (42 billion m³ per year) and the largest in the world in terms of helium production (up to 60 million m³ per year).
In the immediate vicinity of the GPP, in August 2020, SIBUR began construction of the Amur GCC.
Key project participants:
Construction management is carried out by the general contractor, NIPIGAZ, part of the SIBUR Group.v
The company's scope of work includes design, preparation of working documentation, supply of equipment and materials, execution of construction and installation works, and transfer of the plant to Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk LLC in a state of mechanical readiness.
Linde AG was the supplier of the main process equipment for the Amur GPP for cryogenic gas separation to produce helium and valuable components for petrochemistry until 2022.
Also, in 2016-2017, Chinese companies China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation, Sinopec, Gezhouba Group and others were involved in the project.
China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation will design, manufacture, supply equipment and build booster compressor shops, gas drying and purification units, and gas fractionation units at the Amur GPP.
The Tecnimont and Sinopec consortium was selected as the EPC contractor following an open competitive procedure for the design, procurement and construction of off-site facilities.
The bulk of the subcontracted construction and installation work will be performed by Renaissance Heavy Industries LLC.
Maire Tecnimont Group is an international EPC contractor specializing in the construction of gas processing and petrochemical facilities. The company operates in 30 countries, including Russia.
Sinopec Engineering Group is one of the leading engineering companies in China. It is part of the Chinese petrochemical group Sinopec Corp.
Renaissance Heavy Industries is part of Rönesans Holding, which operates in Turkey, the CIS, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa and is one of the largest general contractors for construction in Russia.
The Amur GPP is an important link in the technological chain of natural gas supplies to China via the "eastern" route under the largest contract in history. The plant will receive multi-component gas from the Yakutsk and Irkutsk gas production centers, which Gazprom is creating as part of the Eastern Gas Program, via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline.
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