Olefin Complex EP-600 Project & Styrene Chain Project (NKNKh)
Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC is one of SIBUR's largest production sites for synthetic rubbers and plastics in Russia.
About the project
The company produces more than 120 types of chemical products. It is the world leader in the production of isoprene rubber, one of the three largest suppliers of butyl rubbers and one of the world's top 10 synthetic rubber manufacturers.
The NKNKh production complex includes 8 plants, a design and engineering center, a scientific and technological center, as well as auxiliary workshops and departments, including a training center for specialists.
Olefin Complex EP-600 Project
The olefin complex with a capacity of 600 thousand tons of ethylene per year is one of the main strategic projects of Nizhnekamskneftekhim. Construction of the complex started in Nizhnekamsk in May 2020. The new production facility will process straight-run gasoline with a capacity of 1.8 million tons per year to produce ethylene, propylene, benzene and butadiene. They are used to make most of the items that surround us every day: from food storage packaging, window profiles to medical syringes and pipes for utilities. The construction of the complex is included in the long-term Strategy for the Development of the Chemical and Petrochemical Complex of Russia until 2030. As of May 2024, the EP-600 complex was already 93.2% complete. The number of construction personnel is 6.5 thousand people. NKNHh has begun technological operations for pre-commissioning and commissioning work, the first products are scheduled for the end of 2024. Until the launch of new ethylbenzene, styrene and polystyrene production facilities, the main consumers of EP-600 products will be the modernized high-density polyethylene production facilities at Kazanorgsintez (launch - 2024) and the production of hexene sold by the company at Nizhnekamskneftekhim (2025).
Styrene Chain Project
The construction of two new production facilities will be launched in 2025, and at their peak, up to 7.2 thousand specialists will be involved.
The project completion date is Q4 2028.
Investments in the project - 180 billion rubles.
The project "Construction of Ethylbenzene/Styrene and Polystyrene Production Facilities (Styrene Chain)" implements the construction of two production facilities:
- EB-350/SM-400 - production of ethylbenzene with a capacity of 350 thousand tons/year and styrene monomer with a capacity of 400 thousand tons/year, PS-250 - production of polystyrene with a capacity of 250 thousand tons/year.
- The raw material for these facilities will be the products of the EP-600 complex, which will produce the first tons of products in 2024.
The proposed contract strategy: "EP+C based on a foreign license". The project is being implemented based on the licensed technology: EBSM licensor - China Petrochemical Tecnology (Sinopec Tech) (China) and PS licensor - Changzhou Ruihua Chemical Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.
- Creation of production for further marginal processing of benzene (the main product of the new olefin complex EP-600);
- In-house complete processing of benzene;
- Selecting the most marginal chain of ethylene processing (ethylene-ethylbenzene-styrene-polystyrene);
- Increasing the capacity of polystyrene production to 540 thousand tons/year (300+250);
- Strengthening the Company's market position in the polymer products business by acquiring additional volumes of polystyrene production, as well as reducing the risk of supply disruption by diversifying PS production to supply the Company's key customers.
Construction of the project's production perimeter (EB-350, Styrene-400 and PS-250) will allow:
- monetizing the products from EP-600 in terms of ~100 tty of ethylene and ~265 tty of benzene (full volume) with the sale of finished products in domestic and export markets;
- "catch" export windows in the market of PSON (general purpose polystyrene) and UPS (high impact polystyrene) in the Russian Federation and the CIS;
- use the market opportunities of the growing construction market of the Russian Federation (the main consumer of PS);
- produce an expanded range of PS brands.
To implement the project for the construction of the EB-350/SM-400 production facility, it is planned to commission an EB production unit with a capacity of 350 thousand tons per year and a styrene unit with a capacity of 400 thousand tons per year. As part of the implementation of polystyrene production, it is planned to build two lines with a capacity of 125 thousand tons per year each
Where is polystyrene used?
Polystyrene is a thermoplastic polymer.
In construction, it is used for thermal insulation of houses, the manufacture of sound-absorbing components and ceiling panels, as well as in the production of plumbing.
In agriculture - for the creation of greenhouses, in medicine - for the manufacture of syringes, Petri dishes and blood transfusion systems.
The food industry uses polystyrene in the production of disposable tableware and packaging.
The construction sector accounts for 45% of all PS consumption in Russia in 2023, 30% is the production of packaging and disposable tableware, 10% is mechanical engineering.
Polystyrene, like all large-tonnage plastics, is a high-margin product.
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