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Solar Energy Projects

Solar Energy Projects


Power Generation (Thermal Power and Renewable Energy Sources)

MPH Vostok cooperates with several companies in the field of solar generation, one of which is Hevel, a pioneer in the field of solar energy in Russia, setting trends for the development of the industry in the country.

About the project

This unique organization is the only vertically integrated manufacturer of solar modules in Russia and provides a full range of services - from the production of solar modules to the design, construction and operation of photovoltaic systems.

Hevel Group of Companies manages a volume of projects with a capacity of 1,600 MW.

To put 1,600 MW in the context of electric cars, we can say that it is equivalent to charging about 400,000 electric cars at the same time (assuming that each car requires about 4 kW)

For example, 1,600 MW can supply electricity to about 1.5 million apartments in normal times, given the average consumption of 1 kW per apartment.

For comparison, a typical nuclear power plant can have a capacity of 1,000 to 1,600 MW, a wind power plant with such a capacity can consist of 100-200 wind turbines with a capacity of 8-20 MW each.

In the coming years, solar energy in Russia is expected to continue to grow. The share of solar energy in the overall energy balance is expected to increase, especially against the backdrop of growing global trends towards the transition to sustainable energy sources.

Climate change, depletion of natural resources and technological developments are all pushing for the spread of alternative energy sources, including solar panels used on an industrial scale at power plants.

Over the past 10 years, from 2014 to 2024, there has been a striking increase in installed solar energy capacity worldwide. Approximate data show the following:

  • 2014: the installed capacity of solar energy was about 177 GW.
  • 2018: by this time, the capacity has increased to more than 500 GW.
  • 2020: By the end of 2020, the total capacity of solar panels in the world exceeded 750 GW.
  • 2023: By 2023, it has even exceeded 1.2 TW (1200 GW).
  • 2024: It is projected that the installed capacity of solar generation may reach 1.8 TW or more, indicating continued growth at 20-25% per year.

Solar generation in Russia is actively developing, and currently covers more than 30 regions of the country. The main regions where solar energy is being implemented in significant volumes are:

  • Krasnodar Krai
  • Rostov Oblast
  • Crimea
  • Stavropol Krai
  • Chelyabinsk Oblast
  • Tatarstan
  • Far Eastern regions (including Sakhalin and Primorsky Krai)

Many of these regions have high solar activity, which makes the use of solar generation more efficient and cost-effective. In recent years, there has been a trend towards expanding solar projects in other parts of the country, including areas with less pronounced solar activity, which also contributes to the popularization of this technology as part of a wider transition to renewable energy sources.

Today, most of the produced solar modules are used to build large solar power plants, with a capacity of 1-100 MW, in Russia and other CIS countries. Given that the average consumption rate per apartment in Russia is 300-350 kWh, such plants will be able to provide the consumption of about 400 thousand apartments. A significantly smaller number of modules are used for power plants of lower capacity, 15-200 kW, providing infrastructure, business and agriculture. In addition, the share of solar panel purchases by entrepreneurs is increasing, and exports are growing.

The established stereotype that there are few sunny days in Russia is gradually becoming a thing of the past, as is the need for alternative energy sources.

Some Russian cities surpass the Mediterranean in the number of sunny days. For example, in Irkutsk there are on average 200 sunny days a year, while in Nice there are 150.

In Russia, there is a positive trend in the development of this industry.

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С.А. Шахназарова
С.А. Шахназарова

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