ООО «РусВинил» - предприятие по производству поливинилхлорида (ПВХ) в Кстовском районе Нижегородской области.
About the project
RusVinyl LLC is a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) manufacturing company in the Kstovsky District of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
RusVinyl LLC was established on October 11, 2007 as a joint venture between the Russian company SIBUR and SolVin (75% owned by the Belgian chemical concern Solvay, 25% by the German group BASF).
Construction began on July 12, 2010 and was completed on July 30, 2014. In August 2014, the enterprise began operating in test mode.
In 2023, Sibur Holding completely bought out the share of the Belgian partners, becoming the sole owner of the enterprise.
Also in 2023, RusVinyl LLC entered the top 100 profitable companies in Russia, taking 90th place in the Forbes rating.
The PVC plant was built using the most modern European technologies (BAT – Best Available Techniques), ensuring the production of the required range of PVC grades with low production costs and mandatory compliance with the strictest environmental requirements of the Russian Federation.
The enterprise used one of the best world technologies for the production of polyvinyl chloride, the licensor of which was SolVin. The company responsible for the design, supply of equipment and construction management was the international engineering group Technip. The general contractor for the construction was Globalstroy-Engineering OJSC, one of the largest Russian companies in the design, supply and construction sector for oil and gas companies in Russia and the CIS. The supplier of oxygen, nitrogen and dry compressed air for the production of polyvinyl chloride was the French group Air Liquide, which built its own air separation plant on the site of RusVinyl LLC. The construction of the PVC plant's logistics platform was carried out by the German logistics company Karl Schmidt. RusVinyl LLC is one of the most environmentally friendly enterprises in the industry. The enterprise uses closed-loop technology, and the equipment is hermetically sealed. This allows minimizing the impact on the atmospheric air. In addition, to protect the air, the enterprise uses gas cleaning equipment, the efficiency of which is almost 100% - 99.9%.
Over the past five years, direct CO2 emissions have decreased by 2 times, thanks to the use of hydrogen, which is formed at the enterprise during the electrolysis process. Hydrogen is used as fuel for pyrolysis furnaces, while the consumption of natural gas is significantly reduced. The plant has also introduced a modern membrane electrolysis technology, which allows reducing electricity consumption by 28%, and eliminating the use of harmful substances such as mercury or asbestos, as was common in outdated technologies.
The plant produces 300 thousand tons of suspension PVC, 30 thousand tons of emulsion PVC and 235 thousand tons of caustic soda. Overall, RusVinyl's share in the total Russian volume of PVC production is estimated at 35%.
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ООО «РУСВИНИЛ» в лице отдела по поиску и обучению персонала выражает благодарность сотрудникам MPH-CIFAL RUS за безупречный сервис и успешную работу по закрытию сложных вакансий в проекте строительства комплекса по производству поливинилхлорида.
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Олениченко Н.Н.
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