Turnkey Solution in 2 Weeks: MPH Vostok's Expertise in Occupational Safety and Health for an International Company

We were approached by a Chinese company that supplies complex technological equipment for the gas and chemical industry. To carry out the installation and assembly of this foreign company's equipment, it was essential to implement comprehensive measures for Occupational Safety (OS) and Industrial Safety (IS) in accordance with Russian legislation and the Client's requirements. This required the timely recruitment and mobilization of an experienced expert to the site within a period of less than two weeks.
In addition to sourcing such a specialist, MPH Vostok was responsible for comprehensive administration, including relocation, training, and other related activities.
Project challenges:
- Extremely tight mobilization deadline of 2 weeks
- Short-term project duration of up to 3 months for the installation and assembly of equipment
- Remote location of the site
- High requirements for the specialist’s experience
- Necessity to provide services sequentially at two different sites — in the Far East and in the Tyumen region
Our actions, approach, and results:
MPH Vostok accepted the order and delivered a comprehensive "turnkey" solution within the established timeline. We assisted our client in gaining a clear understanding of the nuances of the labor market in Russia, providing consultation on applicable labor legislation and industry practices.
Throughout the execution of the project, our team responded swiftly and cohesively to requests for changes in timelines and service schedules. The Client and the end customer expressed their gratitude to the MPH Vostok team for our unprecedented responsiveness and the quality of service provided.
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