The modern world is entirely based on metal. High-rise buildings, high-speed cars, cargo ships - all this exists thanks to metallurgy.
Our consultants have extensive knowledge, experience, methods and contacts to find the best candidates for metallurgy projects.
Metallurgy is the second most important industry in Russia, second only to the oil and gas industry. It is impossible to imagine a modern industrial economy without metals. Iron and steel are used in many industries and play a key role in meeting the basic needs of society.
Examples of vacancies filled
- Front End Engineering Design (FEED)
- Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC)
- Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning
- Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
- Maintenance and Repair (MRO)
- Process Design
- Project Management
- Project Control: Pricing and Planning
- Contracts, Procurement and Logistics
- Quality Control, Certification, Passportization
- Energy Efficiency and Energy Management
- General Construction and Preparatory Works
- Mechanics – Static and Dynamic Equipment
- Electrical and Instrumentation
- Automation and Control Systems
- Piping
- Metal Structures
- IT and Telecom