Turkish Stream
Turkstream is a main export gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey across the Black Sea. The first of the two lines of the gas pipeline is designed to supply gas to Turkish consumers, the second - to supply gas to the countries of Southern and South-Eastern Europe.
The total capacity of Turkstream is 31.5 billion cubic meters (15.75 billion cubic meters for each line).
The starting point for feeding gas into Turkstream is the compressor station (CS) "Russkaya", which is part of the UGSS of Russia and built near the city of Anapa. It provides the necessary pressure for transporting gas along two lines of the gas pipeline over a distance of more than 930 km to the coast of Turkey, where the gas is delivered to the receiving terminal.
The offshore section of the system consists of two parallel lines of the gas pipeline running along the bottom of the Black Sea. The offshore gas pipeline begins near the city of Anapa in Russia and comes ashore west of Istanbul, near the settlement of Kiyikoy.
Next, one line of the onshore gas pipeline connects the offshore section to the existing gas transmission system of Turkey near the city of Luleburgaz. The second line goes to its end point on the border of Turkey and the EU.
Turkstream is the first offshore gas pipeline in the world with a pipe diameter of 81 cm, which is laid at a depth of more than 2 km.
The pipes are made of manganese-carbon steel with a thickness of 39 mm. Increased strength of the steel was ensured by its heat treatment. The pipes for laying the offshore gas pipeline in the coastal sections have an additional protective concrete coating.
The offshore laying of the gas pipeline was carried out by the world's largest construction vessel Pioneering Spirit. The welding of pipes into a gas pipeline line took place on board. Each welded joint was inspected and protected with a special coating before laying it on the seabed.
Pioneering Spirit completed offshore work on two lines in 15 months, laying new sections of the gas pipeline as it moved through the Black Sea. Working around the clock, the vessel laid about 5 km of gas pipeline daily. In August 2018, a world record was set for laying 6.3 km of gas pipeline per day. In November 2018, the deepwater laying of the gas pipeline was completed.
Project implementation stages
On December 1, 2014, Gazprom and Botas Petroleum Pipeline Corporation signed a memorandum of understanding on the construction of a gas pipeline across the Black Sea towards Turkey.
In September 2016, Gazprom received the first permits from the authorities of the Republic of Turkey for the implementation of the Turkish Stream.
On October 10, 2016, an Agreement was signed between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on the Turkstream project.
In December 2016, a contract was signed between South Stream Transport B.V. and Allseas Group S.A. for the construction of the first string of the offshore section of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline with an option to lay the second string.
In February 2017, South Stream Transport B.V. signed a contract with Allseas Group for the construction of the second line of the offshore section of the Turkstream gas pipeline.
On May 7, 2017, construction of the Turkstream gas pipeline began in the Black Sea. Work began off the Russian coast.
In January 2020, gas supplies began via Turkstream.
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